Intrinsic to that process is the presence of a universal charge field. By that, what is meant is the 'ether' of base level photons that support the manifestations of the electro-magnetic field and other phenomena.
These photons are clustered in the infra-red part of the spectrum and are that which we experience as heat. They are constantly recycled at all scales and with increasing complexity, from the sub-atomic to the galactic scale. Midway in this recycling are the processes that we understand as life.
The lower one orbits within the realm of the Earth and models the transformation of the light above into vegetation. Scattered through the piece are fragments of gold leaf in emulation of the Medieval concept of the celestial sphere.
The wagons on the trains carry equations of transmutation, the above of the nuclear processes taking place in the photosphere and the lower of transmutations of photosynthesis.