'Photonic Phorest' Projection, plastic roofing sheet : 'Enfield Winter Lights', London. March 2022.
This artwork is an extended version of my 'Particulate Aether 01' installation a few months earlier. Here I am occupying a disused shop in the Enfield Town, Palace Shopping Centre. This allowed me to extend the projected movie into 16:9 format using the full height of the columns. This installation was on display throughout March 2022.
In this installation, blades of coloured light are projected onto tubes of corrugated plastic sheeting. The projector is angled up at 45 degrees to give a series of ovals that travel up and down the tubes in overlapping layers.
This piece exemplifies the flow of particulate aether (neo-aether) from the Earth, levitating clouds and aircraft and supplying the excess flux of infra-red photons that is currently mistaken as the driver for changes in the Earth's climate.