Paul Malone : Celestial Array 50-3635

'Celestial Array 50-3635'
Perspex, coloured perspex, pencil, fixtures

50 x 25 x 8 cms overall : 2016


This is a four layer perspex sandwich with a 5th layer functioning as a hanging plate. The piece is held together with 4 hex bolts which also function as a hanging structure.

In this example of the Celestial Array series, the piece is in the form of a soft rectangle with an array of circular inserts arranged as a vector field. Each insert is defined by a single pencil line centered across the diameter. The central disc is inverted to white on black as the focus of the piece. The inserts are loose and can re-align themselves when moved as if responding to outside influence. As such they exemplify the drifts of base level photons that recycle within matter and the interstellar environment.

This series of artworks function as a mechanics of the night sky in the form of an engineered artifact. As such, they emulate the way that theories and concepts are constructed about remote objects, events in cosmology and associated meta-narratives.


Oblique and detailed views below :

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Buy this Artwork : £800 : Postage Free : Can be mounted in a bespoke acrylic box as the CM25 series. Please email for quote.

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