Gold Cathode Unit : Perspex, lead solder, french enamel, gold powder, fixtures. 25 x 25 x 8 cms : 2005
A four layer perspex sandwich with negative curved outline and dots of spirit dye arranged in a grid-like array. An arrangement of four lead splashes on layer 2 counterpoints the four hex bolts and the central telescope view of the night sky.
This unit recalls the retinal impact of photons of light, their after images and simple shadows in the memory. The evaporation rings emulate the frozen expansion of the gravitational pseudo-force. The whole is experienced again as a machined artifact.
Detail below :
Lead solder splashes, multiple evaporation rings and retaining bolts
Note : In these images the solder splashes appear dark - they are in fact very shiny.
This is due to the need to reduce reflections in the perspex during photography.